May 7

Hi again everybody, phew I’ve had a busy time again wif nons, so busy in fact that on Tuesday I didn’t eben get to my bed, nons walked me up and down the beach and I napped in my stroller. On Monday it was a Bit cold and wet but nons says that fresh air is important for a baby and her non so she dressed me up like a buddy tele tubby again but this time it was not grwreen so I didn’t mind wearing it and we went to see my fwrend Nam the baker a he said I looked all snuggly. Then nons took me to my favrite mall in Milford where I saw all the old people again, nons finks I bring joy to the oldies and I actually fink I do cos they always look so happy when I smile at them, they even laugh when I make my funny face to them. Nons says it’s important to smile a lot cos there are way too many sad people in vis world and a smile can make someones day, so I smile a lot. But I also could not help notice how many uver nons were out wif their gwrand kids, so many wrinkled up ladies looking after their own kids children, non was talking to anuver non who said she looks after her gwrand child cos the mummy goes to work, well then non told me all about her non which is my great non and how much she misses her and how much she would have loved me cos I look like my mummy as a baby, some uver days I look like my daddy and uver days I look like nons! People always say that she we are out anyway. So nons was telling me that there is a special mummy day on Sunday And that I hab to be really really good for my mummy and sleep lots so she can, I don’t fink I can promise vat mummy cos I will be way too cited showing you just how happy I am to be your dorter and how happy you make me cos of the love and the care you show me, so don’t count on a Sleep in, just be gwrateful I am sharing a special day, the first in your life, wif you and daddy, oh and I get to see nons and pops too! I hope all my fwrends don’t show me up by sleeping in on mufflers day. And I fink all of you wif a mum should renember to say all the special words and show your mums you lub them, cos nons says when you don’t hab a mum you wealy miss her! Lots of lub from Arabella.

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